Connor McDonald

Connor McDonald is a Oracle Developer Advocate for Oracle Corporation.

Over the past 25 years; he has worked with systems in Australia; the United Kingdom; Southeast Asia; Western Europe; and the United States.

He has co-authored three books and has been a popular speaker at Oracle conferences around the world; specializing in topics regarding the database engine and PL/SQL.

He won the Oracle Code speaker award in 2018; has three times won the Best Speaker award by the UK Oracle User Group; and was awarded a Lifetime Achievement award by the UKOUG in 2016.

During ConTech2021 Connor will present The Best Feature in the Oracle Database

Garbage-In-Garbage-Out as the old saying goes. No matter how technically sophisticated your application stack is; if it is based on flawed or incorrect assumptions about how the database works you’re in trouble. If you don’t understand Oracle’s concurrency model; you’re doomed before you even start.
Well done! You’ve come up with the killer idea for 2021. You’ve got the best UI design anyone has ever seen! Your modern application ticks all the boxes ? Serverless; Functions; Lambdas; Kubernetes; Microservices; API-based; the list goes on. It runs on every OS and every type of device. But unfortunately; all of this counts for absolutely NOTHING if you do not understand the fundamental read consistency model of the Oracle database. And often this is totally hidden from view under an ORM. This session will peel back the covers to explain how the database processes your queries and how to avoid corrupted data in your applications.