Valentin Robu

Valentin Robu – Oracle Romania

I am an Oracle engineer working in support for the last 20 years.
Former programmer and database administrator.

Domains covered: Data replication solutions (GoldenGate), Database & SQL tuning, disaster recovery/backup & recovery policies.

Big fun of relational databases convinced that ER modeling is still a must.

Volunteering for Oracle Academy where I teach/produce workshops & seminars for Oracle database-related technologies.

An arts-inclined spirit trapped in an engineer’s body.

During ConTech2021 Valentin will present ER Modeling, a brief history

This talk is a journey back to basics for everyone involved in modeling information systems.

It gives a brief history about ER-Modeling, methodology, when we should use it, which are the advantages of using ER-Modeling.During this talk you will find out why database modeling is an important step of the database application development process.

At the end of the presentation you will understand that data modeling remains as relevant nowadays as it was in the past and that it fits very well in an Agile Development approach.